A national seminar was organised on NURTURING RESEARCH CULTURE at BCM Collegeo of Education, Ludhiana on 27th March 2010. Following resourse persons were present there
Dr. Jagtar Singh Gill, Dept of Phy. Edu, PEC, Chd.
Dr. Sunil Dutt, NITTR, Chd.
Dr. Amit Kauts, Dean, Faculty of Educationi, GNDU, Asr.
Dr. M. R. Chilana, NCERT
Mr. Yogesh Sharma, Ramgarhia Collegeo of Education, Phagwara
Following Members of staff participated in teh seminar.
Dr. Tirath Singh
Mrs. Randeep Pannu
Mr. Arjinder Singh
Two lectures on delveloong research attitude were devlivered and a session was organised on how to use SPSS for research activities.
It was followed by a Panel Discussion where the problems in nurturing research culture were discussed and suggesstions and recommendations were noted down.
Dr. Khushvinder Kumar assured that he will do his best for nurturing the research cullture and teh report will be on the NET with in a week.
It was agood initiative in the field of research.
We wish Dr. Khushvinder Kumar Good Luck for the future activities.