Extension lecture on “Swami Vivekananda’s
teaching” was organised at Innocent Hearts College of Education, Jalandhar on
Jan 18, 2014.
The guests were invited from Bharat
Vikas Parishad, Punjab North; Er.
Rajinder Rishi (Distt. President, Jalandhar), Sh.Shiv Kumar Sonik (Distt. Org
Secy, Jalandhar) and Sh. Subhash Gupta (Retired Government teacher).
Er.Rajinder Rishi gave inspiring
information from the life sketch on Swami Vivekananda, his Chicago address, his
teachings and views on woman empowerment, God, culture etc. He further
exclaimed “learn to love whatever you do”. Shri Shiv Kumar Sonik gave an
inspirational speech emphasizing the importance of teachers in the students’
life. Sh. Subhash Gupta sang melodiously “na sir jhukha ke jiyo”. All the
students sang together and were motivated to choose the right path, to live a
peaceful life, to fight against hardships and never give up. Dr. D.K Joshi,
Principal, Innocent Hearts College of Education thanked all present and
highlighted the relevance of Swami Vivekananda’s teachings in today’s context.
Swamiji had said “arise, awake and stop not till the goal is achieved”.