Hearts College of Education, Jalandhar has always focused on providing good
quality education and this reflects in the achievement of student-teachers in
Guru Nanak Dev University B.Ed Examination Sem-I (Dec 2017). 80% student-
teachers have passed in First division and ten student-teachers have achieved
distinctions. Ankita Khera stood first in the college, Amrit Arora achieved
second position and Swati Verma got third position in the college.
Khera attributed her success to her parents and college, she said “My teachers
are my ray of hope they have always been my guide and motivator, I dedicate my
achievement to my teachers. I feel very thankful to my family and teachers for
their support and guidance always and motivating me always”. Amrit Arora
firstly thanked God and then said “a big thanks to my parents and most
co-operative and hard-working teachers of Innocent Hearts College of
Education.” Swati Verma said “I don’t know if it is possible to convey in words
the sense of gratitude for being able to learn from such prestigious college
and great teachers. I have always been inspired to achieve at a level higher
than I thought possible. I cannot thank enough to God, my college, teachers and
my family for their valuable support. Thank you.”
members of management, principal and staff members congratulated the students
for their achievement. Principal Dr. Arjinder Singh attributed this success to
the team work of students, faculty members and cooperation extended by the