Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Features of New Education Ploicy 2020

New Education Policy 2020 is announced.

1. 10+2 board structure is   dropped.

2. New school structure will be 5+3+3+4.

3. Upto 5 pre school, 6 to 8 Mid School, 8 to 11 High School , 12 onwards Graduation.

4. All Degree will be 4 years.

5. 6th std onwards vocational courses available.

6. From 8th to 11 students can choose subjects .

7. All graduation course will have major and minor.
Example - science student can have Physics as Major and Music as minor also. Any combination can be  chosen.

8. All higher education will be governed by only one authority.

9. UGC AICTE will be merged.

10. All University government, private, Open, Deemed, Vocational etc will have same grading and rules.

11. New Teacher Training board will be setup for all kinds of teachers in country. No state can change the rules.

12. Same level of Accreditation to any college, based on its rating college will get autonomous rights and funds.

13. New Basic learning program will be created by government for parents to teach children upto 3 years at home and for pre school 3yrs to 6yrs.

14. Multiple entry and exit from any course.

15. Credit system for graduation for each year student will get some credits which he can utilize if he takes break in course and come back again to complete course.

16. All schools exams will be semester wise twice a year.

17. The syllabus will be reduced to core knowledge of any subject only.

18. More focus on student practical and application knowledge.

19. For any graduation course if student complete only one year he will get a basic certificate, if he complete two years then he will get Diploma certificate and if he complete full course then he will get degree certificate.

So, no year of any student will be waisted if he break the course in between.

20.All the graduation course feed of all Universities will be governed by single authority with capping on each course.

Now we can hope our education system will be at par with European countries.

Thursday, July 9, 2020


The student-teachers of Innocent Hearts College of Education, Jalandhar have brought victory home in the First Semester of B.Ed. Examination.  Japleen Kochhar stood first in the college, Ria Mahajan achieved second position, Reema Rani got third position and Ishpreet Kaur got forth position in the college.  Japleen Kochhar attributed her success to her teachers, husband and environment of the college. She said, “Most people think that excellent results are because of the student’s hard work only, but really a huge part of these results is what teachers, friends and family have done to help and assist.” Ria Mahajan attributed her success to her parents and college, she said “My teachers are my ray of hope they have always been my guide and motivator, I dedicate my achievement to my teachers. I feel very thankful to my family and teachers for their support and guidance always and motivating me always”. Reema Rani firstly thanked God and then said “a big thanks to my parents and most co-operative and hard-working teachers of Innocent Hearts College of Education”.        


The students were missing college in the time of celebration due to COVID-19 dangers. However, they shared their happiness digitally.  Executive director of college Mrs. Aradhana Bowry said Innocent Hearts Group has never compromised with the quality of education and has always worked for betterment of students. This support of Innocent Hearts Group will continue in Lockdown period and ever after that.

Principal Dr. Arjinder Singh congratulated the students and motivated the students to work more hard to clear the last step of their teacher Education Programme so that they may go to the society for service. Faculty members congratulated the student-teachers for their brilliant achievements.