The NSS unit of Innocent Hearts College of Education, Jalandhar celebrated ‘Maa Boli Divas’ with the objective to enrich and preserve the purity and glory of Punjabi language and culture.
A pledge taking ceremony
was organized in which the educators and student-teachers swore to protect,
preserve and transmit their mother tongue for the coming generations in its
pure form and to impart their mother tongue by integrating it with culture.
Online Slogan writing and Poster-making competitions were also
organized. Through their artistic posters, the student-teachers depicted their love and
respect for their mother tongue. Sakshi Thakur and Vishali Arora bagged first prize
and Vasudha Khanna achieved second prize in poster making competition. A
plethora of slogan writings highlighted the significance and present day
relevance of Punjabi language. Nandini Luthra achieved first prize, Gaganpreet
Kaur won second prize and Megha Sharma bagged third prize in slogan writing
Principal Dr. Arjinder
Singh congratulated the winners and appreciated all the participants for their
brilliant demonstrations. Certificates were given to all the participants.